ITGO Supports Change to At-Speed Tolls

BUFFALO, NY (August 28) – Buffalo Niagara International Trade Gateway Organization (ITGO) executive director Craig Turner today announced the regional logistics organization’s support for a proposal forwarded today by U.S. Congressman Brian Higgins to convert the Williamsville and Lackawanna toll barriers to electronic, at-speed facilities. “Transition of the Williamsville and…

ITGO Letter Re: E-Manifest and Cashless Tolls at Land Border Crossings

August 4, 2017 Acting Commissioner Kevin McAleenan U.S. Customs and Border Protection 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, D.C. 20004 Dear Acting Commissioner McAleenan: On behalf of the Buffalo Niagara International Trade Gateway Organization (ITGO), a Western New York-based collaboration of private, public and academic stakeholders working to create a globally-recognized…