A group of stakeholders who have been working on the logistics industry in Buffalo want to build a roughly $20 million freight facility on a 22-acre parcel at Buffalo Lakeside Commerce Park.
Category: Cross Border
Another Voice: International trade is a key to WNY economy
ITGO Board member Nancy Dempsey (Unifrax) hits the nail on the head regarding the importance of trade to Western New York in her recent Buffalo News op-ed.
ITGO Letter Re: E-Manifest and Cashless Tolls at Land Border Crossings
August 4, 2017 Acting Commissioner Kevin McAleenan U.S. Customs and Border Protection 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, D.C. 20004 Dear Acting Commissioner McAleenan: On behalf of the Buffalo Niagara International Trade Gateway Organization (ITGO), a Western New York-based collaboration of private, public and academic stakeholders working to create a globally-recognized…
Coalition Letter Re: Increased CBSA IT and Staffing Investment
View the Coalition Letter May 19, 2017 Dear Ministers, Re: Investments in Our Borders Together, our associations represent the business sectors that comprise the backbone of the Canadian economy. Our members employ millions of Canadians who are a vital part of the US-Canada trade relationship. Uncertainty surrounding the future of…
Buffalo Niagara International Trade Gateway Organization High Priority Action Plans – 2017
ITGO’s strategic plan has been crafted through a collaboration of the private, public and academic sectors in Western New York in a process led by the ITGO Board of Directors and incorporating the input of nearly 60 regional logistics stakeholders over the past five years. While the plan is extensive,…