ITGO Letter Re: Williamsville and Lackawanna Toll Barriers

January 8, 2018 The Honorable Andrew Cuomo Governor, State of New York Executive Chamber Capitol Building Albany, New York 12224 Dear Governor Cuomo: On behalf of the Buffalo Niagara International Trade Gateway Organization (ITGO) and the Western New York regional logistics industry, we write in support of your comments in…

New $75 million bridge keeps trains rolling through Letchworth State Park

by James Fink, Buffalo Business First After two years of construction and a $75 million investment from both private and public sources, Norfolk Southern has christened the new Portage Bridge that cuts through Letchworth State Park. The 963-foot-long steel arch single-track span replaces an aging and obsolete bridge that was originally constructed…

ITGO Supports Change to At-Speed Tolls

BUFFALO, NY (August 28) – Buffalo Niagara International Trade Gateway Organization (ITGO) executive director Craig Turner today announced the regional logistics organization’s support for a proposal forwarded today by U.S. Congressman Brian Higgins to convert the Williamsville and Lackawanna toll barriers to electronic, at-speed facilities. “Transition of the Williamsville and…