ITGO Letter Re: Williamsville and Lackawanna Toll Barriers

January 8, 2018 The Honorable Andrew Cuomo Governor, State of New York Executive Chamber Capitol Building Albany, New York 12224 Dear Governor Cuomo: On behalf of the Buffalo Niagara International Trade Gateway Organization (ITGO) and the Western New York regional logistics industry, we write in support of your comments in…

New $75 million bridge keeps trains rolling through Letchworth State Park

by James Fink, Buffalo Business First After two years of construction and a $75 million investment from both private and public sources, Norfolk Southern has christened the new Portage Bridge that cuts through Letchworth State Park. The 963-foot-long steel arch single-track span replaces an aging and obsolete bridge that was originally constructed…

ITGO Letter Re: E-Manifest and Cashless Tolls at Land Border Crossings

August 4, 2017 Acting Commissioner Kevin McAleenan U.S. Customs and Border Protection 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, D.C. 20004 Dear Acting Commissioner McAleenan: On behalf of the Buffalo Niagara International Trade Gateway Organization (ITGO), a Western New York-based collaboration of private, public and academic stakeholders working to create a globally-recognized…